Being on a mutual server is the best way to handle this. If a link dies and I'm not able to get in contact with you at all, then I will have no choice but to remove your server from this list and make it available again, as I will not have knowledge why the link expired and if the server has died or not. Also if you see any of the links on this list have expired, let me know, so I can try to get a new infinite one. 5- The server link needs to not expire, please check to make sure it's an infinite link. 4- Please do not advertise your server on the subreddit in a new thread, without getting permission from one of the subreddit moderators, in accordance with Rule 7. That doesn't mean you can't have general discussions on your servers, but pick a main theme for the list. This also includes entire playstyles so no servers encompassing massive things like "Burn" or "FTK" in general. Alternatively, one for those generic Yusaku Cyberse cards is acceptable, but not a general "Cyberse type server" that would encompass Salamangreat, Marincess, etc, for they would have their own ones, so I won't be adding things that are too broad to the list. For instance, no "Dragon type server", but "Blue-Eyes" and "Rokket" are acceptable. 3- This is for Archetypes and specific decks, not huge general swaths of cards. I need this in case I need to contact you about something. Without this information, I won't be adding it to the list. 2- You must provide me with your Discord Username, including the numbers. Ideally ask me before actually making the server, as we can only promote one of each. The list is usually up to date with what's already taken, but contact me if you have questions about if one is free. It is currently on a first come first served basis, so I won't add a duplicate to the list, unless you make some sort of arrangement with the existing server to migrate to yours, at which point contact me to verify this.
Note that the Spreadsheet and Discord versions do update more frequently than the Reddit version, as it's easier to do so, so join those if you want a quicker notification of when servers are up.įirst, here are some rules and important things to note if you want to make a server to add to this list: 1- You cannot make a duplicate of one that already exists. Then we have this new instalment of the Reddit version of this discord server repository, as it has to be replaced every 6 months. We also have a Discord Server version of the repository too that acts as kind of like a junction between them. There is the original spreadsheet version of it, that also contains some links to other archetype related pages too. I can't promise how active the servers will be, but maybe you can help them all grow into higher levels of activity in the Yugioh community. We've been maintaining a big list of the various Archetype Discords via various avenues. On these, there are people who can discuss the deck in depth and even help you with it. As you may know, there are many discord servers based on various Archetypes and Deck Builds. Please locate the latest version, thank you. EDIT- This Thread is now Archived and Outdated.